
 MKM College has effectively maintained the standard of instruction and consistently strived to meet its goals as an institution. The institutional goals are accomplished by the efforts made to improve the caliber of college activities. Top techniques are in procedure to instill in students a spirit of science and study, as well as an awareness of how such behaviors affect the most vulnerable members of society.

The creation, implementation, and upkeep of quality benchmarks in each of the institution’s major performance areas is one of the new issues it faces. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was founded at the college to institutionalize the process of maintaining and improving quality. By developing intervention techniques to improve overall quality in the institution, the IQAC serves as a nodal agency for bringing in the era of total quality management.


  • To propagate scientific temper among High & Sr. Sec. school students.
  • To create an inquisitiveness and excitement in education through hands-on experiments.
  • To educate basic education avenues.
  • Application of scientific concepts in day to day life.
  • To relate the importance of education to the environmental consciousness.
  • The popularization of basic learning among rural High & Sr. School students, who represent the future of the country, is of strategic significance to us.
  • It offers an immediate platform for education, communication, and inculcating scientific temper among rural high school students.

Basic Purpose of IQAC

The IQAC works to ensure continuous improvement in the entire operations of the institution and ensure that all the stakeholders stay connected in their higher education- namely students, parents, teachers, staff, funding agencies, and society in general. The NAAC advocates the establishment of IQAC for every institution to make quality assurance & enhancement an integral part of institutional functioning. IQAC is formed to generate innovative & quality academic ideas and practices. Its main aim is to work for planning, implementation, and measurement of the outcome of the academic and administrative performance of the institution.


  • Formation, continuous development, and application of quality parameters/ benchmarks for the various administrative and academic activities of the institution.
  • Dissemination of information on various quality benchmarks/ parameters of higher education.
  • Organizing workshops, seminars & conferences (National/ international) on quality enhancement-related themes for the promotion of quality circles.
  • Documentation of the various programs/activities leading to quality improvement.


  • Ensuring time-bound, efficient, and progressive performance of administrative, academic, and financial tasks.
  • Integration and optimization of modern techniques/ methods of teaching, learning, and evaluation.
  • Ensuring efficient maintenance, and functioning of the support structure.


  • To maintain a high level of clarity and focus on quality enhancement to facilitate a high level of institutional functioning & internalization of the quality culture.
  • To incorporate, enhance, and integrate various activities of the institution and institutionalization of good practices.
  • To provide a sound ground for decision-making for improving institutional functioning.
  • To act as a catalyst, and change agent in the institution.
  • For better communication.